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The Voice New Jury For Season 12 Announced

The Voice: New Jury for Season 12 Announced

Amel Bent and Vianney Return, Zazie Joins as New Coach

Paris, September 14, 2022 – TF1 has announced the jury for the upcoming 12th season of The Voice, with Amel Bent and Vianney returning as coaches alongside newcomers Zazie and Bigflo & Oli.

Zazie and Bigflo & Oli Make Jury Debut

Zazie, a French singer-songwriter known for hits such as "Tout le monde" and "Je t'attends," will make her debut on The Voice this season. Bigflo & Oli, a duo of rappers from Toulouse, will also join the jury for the first time.

Departure of Florent Pagny and Marc Lavoine

The announcement of the new jury comes after the departure of Florent Pagny and Marc Lavoine, who had been coaches on the show for several seasons. Pagny, a veteran singer, is currently battling cancer, while Lavoine has left the show to focus on his music career.

Grand Finale Scheduled

The Voice season 12 will culminate in a live Grand Finale hosted by Nikos Aliagas. The winning contestant will be crowned "The Voice of France" and receive a recording contract with Universal Music France.


With the announcement of the new jury, anticipation is building for the upcoming season of The Voice. Amel Bent and Vianney's return, along with the debut of Zazie and Bigflo & Oli, promises a fresh and exciting dynamic to the popular singing competition. Fans can expect a season filled with exceptional talent, captivating performances, and unforgettable moments.
